Wednesday, September 30, 2015

After Hours in Hawaii

One of the things that has surprised me about our time here is that we don't do a lot at night after work is done.  One reason is that we're TIRED.  Another is that it gets dark so much earlier than it did when we left North Carolina.  Of course it's later in the year now than it was when we left, and Hawaii does not observe daylight savings time.

We have tried to get in a few more outings, though, as our time to leave draws nearer, so this post includes a few pictures from our after-work-hours adventures.

The little town of Waianae is situated right between the Waianae mountain range and the Pacific Ocean.  These  are our views every day.

Denise had read about a "hidden" beach, so we searched and found it, along with this burned and abandoned car!  I'm thinking "get away car".

Maybe this was the bandits' hide-out!  But since the sign had obviously fallen down a long time ago, and since the beach was too pretty to "Stay Out", we didn't.  Well, I didn't.

These were our views just a little further down the road.

And this is the sun, as it sets, reflecting off the clouds. 

Yes, we will miss all of this when we return home.

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