Thursday, September 10, 2015

A Mystery in Hawaii

There is another purpose in this lovely picture other than to show you how my hair is looking the ENTIRE time we're here.  Uggghhhh.

See the sunglasses.  THEY'RE NOT MINE.

I have two pairs of glasses--my prescription glasses and non-prescription sunglasses with a bifocal lens so I can read on the beach, take pictures outside, etc.  I have a little cloth glasses bag.  When I'm wearing my sunglasses, my "real" glasses are in the bag.  When I'm wearing my "real" glasses, my sunglasses are in the bag.

I reached into my pocketbook, got out my little glasses bag, removed my sunglasses, and put them on my face.  They fell off.  I put them on again.  They fell off.  Then I looked at them.  THEY'RE NOT MINE.  The color is the same.  They have a bifocal lens that I can read through.  But they're not mine.  They don't look like mine.  They don't fit like mine.

WHERE ARE MY GLASSES?  I have asked everyone here, including the volunteers who were here before us but have since left.  I discovered this "switch" before any guests arrived, so none of them have them.  Who has my glasses, and how did these get in my little bag?